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International Star Registry <sup>®</sup>: Name a Star

Anniversary Gift

Stars are a symbol of eternity. They have been above us for millennia and will continue to shine, big and bright and beautiful, long after we’re gone. When you first discover you can name a star for you and your lifelong love, you will find the perfect anniversary gift. With the International Star Registry, you can name a star for your anniversary and your love will shine forever in the sky.

Whether this is your first year’s anniversary together, your tenth anniversary, your fiftieth anniversary, or even more, your sweetheart will be thrilled by this extraordinary and one-of-a-kind gift. If you have been with your loved one for many years or if this is a very special occasion, you want a gift for your anniversary as special as your relationship. Though they may look similar, no two stars are alike; they occupy completely different places, they are made of up different materials, they are different ages, and they even shine differently. While many relationships appear similar, you and your loved one know yours is unique—just like your star.

Find the perfect anniversary gift and name a star after your girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse or future spouse. Whether you name one star, or a pair of stars, you will receive a personalized certificate showing your star’s name, a star chart so you can find your star in the sky, and you can even receive a gift packaged framed with a wallet card.

For a Perfect Anniversary Gift Click Here

Order Online or Call 1-800-282-3333
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Copyright 1999-2025, International Star Registry ® 1813 Elmdale Avenue, Glenview, IL 60026 847.546.5533

International Star Registry ® star naming is not recognized by the scientific community.
Your star's name is reserved in International Star Registry ® records only.

International Star Registry <sup>®</sup>